Irma Villarreal debate between authors

Irma Villarreal

Professor Werry

RWS 100


What Should We Think?

Society’s opinion about what are the side effects that the Internet may have in our brains is becoming an issue. Many people think that it is becoming a matter in question in our daily life because it consumes our time; others argue that it helps us to open our thoughts and develop new ideas. In the articles “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, “Its Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens” by Danah Boyd and “Public Thinking” by Clive Thompson, both authors Thompson and Boyd are in the same position about how technology have helped us to improve. On the contrary, Nicholas Carr states that the Internet does not help us at all, and the reason is because we do not concentrate on what we are doing while being around something connected to the Internet. In this paper I will compare and discuss each of these authors opinion, also I will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the three articles.

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